Sina Mazziotta

From Animation Luzern Wiki

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Sina Mazziotta is currently studying in the field of animation and concept art at the University of Art and Design Lucerne.

"I've been illustrating with all my heart ever since I could hold a pencil. This passion has continued to spread throughout the years and that's how I discovered the world of animation and concept art for myself.

The world of writing such as short stories and fantasy books has also captured my passion. I can recommend everyone to never stop discovering and trying out new things.


This is what I did in 2018
This is what I did in 2019


  • add you private email address - the schools email address will be deleted when you get your degree
  • your website / vimeo / youtube link


Add here all your films, apps, etc. and link to the corresponding page - see Template for Studentfilm. Add your film in inverse chronological order.