BA Examination Timeline
Graduation year 2024 / 2025
This page is the timeline for the BA Examination process and is is subject to changes, please consult regularly.
Also see at the entries starting with "3.BA" on the Animation Students Calendar.
Date | Task | Details | Deadline |
2. Sept 24 | Pitch | Pitch Prep
Learn the most important rules of presenting a project, discuss the design of your pitch poster and - most importantly - test your pitch! |
12:15-12:45 Room 151 |
3. Sept 24 | Pitch | Pitch Poster Deadline
Anyone who wishes to pitch a project should upload their poster to the server > projekte > 3BA_Projektordner > pitch. Elena will organise printing the posters for you. |
Upload to server by 11:00 |
10. Sept 24 | Pitch | Pitch Day
Each pitch must be done in under 3 minutes. Pitches will be held in English. Voting sheets have to be emailed to ASO by 13. Sept 11:00 and the posters will hang until the end of the selection process. |
Room 145 10:00-12:00 |
11. Sept 24 | Pitch | Pitch Choice Deadline
Choose which 5 projects you like best, and 2 you could imagine working on. Fill in the online form you will receive from Kat. |
Fill in online form by 10:00 |
12. Sept 24 | Pitch | Selection Results
The ranking of Pitches is presented and suggestions made as to how to form groups. |
Room 145 by jha, 10:00 |
13. Sept 24 | Pitch | Selection Feedback
In the morning you can meet with Jürgen Haas to help form groups or receive further feedback on the results of the Pitch Selection. |
E-mail jha to request meetings |
16. Sept 24 | Thesis | Thesis Kick-Off
You will receive information from Tina Ohnmacht and Stefanie Bräuer about your upcoming thesis. Write down 2-3 potential topics and your preferred mentor on the etherpad „Topics for the BA Thesis“ in ILIAS |
Room 151 at 10:00 |
17. Sept 24 | Thesis | Final Decision Mentor
Final Decision about the allocation of the mentors is communicated |
E-mail by 11:00 |
16. Sept -
4. Okt 24 |
BA Project | Project Development Module
your project's content will be honed with Maja Gehrig and Špela Čadez. NB You have Theory Week 7.-11. Oktober |
Room 140 and various |
23. Sept 24 | BA Project | Name your Project Mentor
Contact and get a "yes" from your mentor of choice. You can choose from our list of Dozierende or someone from outside school if there is a solid reason for your need. |
E-mail ASO by 11:00 |
12. Nov 24 | BA Project | Kick-Off Lineproducing
Lineproducer Marwan Eissa will introduce the production process. After his talk he will stay in order to answer questions. From then on he will talk to teams individually on a bi-weekly basis. |
13:00 - 14:30
31. Okt 24 | Thesis | Deadline Final Topic
Hand in final topic, research question, hypthesis, bibliography on ILIAS |
Upload ILIAS by 12:00 noon |
4. Okt 24 | BA Project | Project Development Presentations | REX |
20. Nov 24 | Thesis | Exposé Written Thesis Deadline
Upload your exposé on ILIAS as PDF with the following naming convention: year_yourname_titleofwork_Exposé (i.e. 2024_SaraSmith_WordsandImages_Exposé) Exposés will be graded. |
Upload ILIAS
by 12:00 noon |
25. Nov - 13. Dec 24 | BA Project | Dossier Module
you will develop a written dossier and a storyboard to apply for funding with Gerd Gockell and Sereina Gabathuler |
Room 140 |
22. Nov 24 | BA Project | Dossier Fact Sheet
email your PDF named year_projectname_FactSheet to Sereina [[1]] and Gerd |
by 14:00 |
26. Nov 24 | BA Project | Production Meeting I
short presentation by each team (7min max): how has the project developed? You can present: script, storyboard, style frames, animatic, animation tests (definitely needed from the experimental projects) |
11. Dec 24 | Thesis | First Draft Thesis
Upload the first draft of thesis (excerpt or first chapter) on ILIAS as PDF named year_yourname_titleofwork_Draft (i.e. 2023_SaraSmith_WordsandImages_Draft) Written feedback by email 18. December 24 |
Upload to ILIAS by 12:00 noon |
18.-20. Dec 24 | BA Project | Animatic Editing Session 1
a session with Dominik Gehring to discuss and evaluate the state of your project's current animatic |
Ateliers, schedule on gdrive |
7. Jan 25 | BA Project | Animatics upload
Upload your animatics (converted down to under 250MB!) named year_projectname_AnimaticV1 (i.e. 2024_BestFilmEver_AnimaticV1) to the same folder as your Dossier PDF _2024-25_3BA_Projektordner -> 02_Dossier -> 2024_FINAL |
Upload to server
by 16:00 |
8. Jan 25 | BA Project | Pitch ZHdK
ZHdK film-music composing students will visit us and receive a short presentation of your films after which you can network. Prepare a Vimeo/youtube upload off your Animatic as well as a fact sheet as learned in 2nd BA. The pitch is also for the speech-academy students, so do also include infos about voice requirements in the Factsheet. |
9:00-12:00 REX |
9. Jan 25 | BA project |
Digital Dossier DeadlineLate delivery implies the immediate disqualification from the BA-process. No FX possible! Upload your PDF named year_projectname_Dossier (i.e. 2018_BestFilmEver_Dossier) to server: projects -> _2024-25_3BA_Projektordner/02_Dossier/2025_FINAL |
Upload to server by 14:00 |
13. & 14. Jan 25 | BA Project | Animatic Feedback
We will watch your animatics and give you feedback Portfolio & Experimental: you will be asked to give us a short status quo on the 14th |
Room 140 |
16. Jan 25 | BA Project |
Dossier Deadline (printed)2 printed physical copies to be placed on the desk of the ASO by 12:00 |
In office on Kat's desk by 12:00 |
31. Jan 25 | Thesis |
Thesis Deadline (digital & analogue)Late delivery implies the immediate disqualification from the BA-process. No FX possible! Upload your final thesis as pdf on ILIAS year_yourname_titleofwork_BAThesis (i.e. 2025_TildaSwinton_WordsandImages_BAThesis) AND put 1 printed copy on Kat‘s desk in office 157 (in case the office is closed, leave them in the letterbox in front of the office) |
Both by 12:00 noon |
3. Feb 25 | BA project | Sounddesign Concept
send a current animatic (.mp4, less than 100MB) with your music layout and a description of your sound design concept to Thomas Gassmann, Jeroen Visser and Etienne Kompis |
E-mail by 17:00 |
5.-7. Feb 25 | BA project | Sounddesign Talks
First round of talks with our school sounddesigners Jeroen Visser/ Etienne Kompis and Thomas Gassmann. Each group will have a one hour meeting. Invitation via doodle in January. Sequence of short meetings will be announced by Thomas Gassmann |
Soundstudio U133 & Zoom |
6. & 7. Feb 25 | BA project | Acting Reference Shots
two guest actors will work with you on key shots of your film, each group has 45 minutes |
per schedule
Medienbühne |
20. Feb 25 | BA project | Animatic Editing Session 2
a second session with Dominik Gehring to discuss and evaluate the state of your project's current edit. |
in your ateliers, schedule via email |
Feb 25 | BA project | Voice recording option without speech-academy
Get in touch with Thomas Gassman if you want to reserve a session. |
Afternoon, Sound studio |
20. Feb 25 | BA Project | Helpers' Market
get helpers on board by holding a presentation of your project for lower classes and alumni where you can tell them what you're looking for. |
Room 055 |
25. - 28. Feb. 24 | BA project | Voice recording sessions with the Speech Academy
Get in touch with Thomas Gassman if you want to reserve a session. |
all day
Sound studio |
3. & 4. Mar 25 | BA Project | Production Meeting 2: Orange Light
We will watch the current state of your animatic with lineproducing, sound and mentors to discuss the progress of your film. You will present your state of production and next steps & milestones. |
10:00-16:00, schedule via email
Room 140 |
TBA Mar 25 | MA | Deadline for applying for the Master Film / Master Animation at HSLU | Contact MA |
19. Mar 25 | Exam | Examination Criteria (practical work)
Choose a subject from your project to be judged by in particular (for example set design, concept art, story, animation, character design, editing etc...) Kat will send you a link to a form to fill in Any changes after that must be discussed with Jürgen Haas! |
fill in form by 11:00 |
20. March 25 | BA project | Animatic Editing Session 3
last session with Dominik Gehring if needed |
location atelier timetable TBA |
28. März 25 | BA Project | Production Meeting 3: Foley Greenlight
If needed: Meeting with sound and lineproducing to evaluate if proceeding with foleys in April is feasible. You will present your animatic and your current state of production. |
room TBA |
7.4 April 25 | BA Project | Foley List & Animatic (via mail/,,, for Foley Artists preparation | mail/
wetransfer |
14.4-25.4 April 25 | BA Project | Foley recordings in Lucerne
PICTURELOCK for Foleys 2 days before your recording session (will be communicated by Thomas Gassmann or ASO) |
V745/U133 |
Mid April - June 25 | BA Project | Sound Timeline incl. Foley Session, Sound Edit, Sound design and Mix will be announced by the Sound Mentors in April, contact Thomas Gassmann for further Information | |
19. May 24 | BA Project | Animated Logo
Choose 2 key colours of your film for the animated Animation Lucerne logo. Send Kat 2 jpegs of the colours or the RGB colour code as well as your film format and Jürgen will create it for you. |
email to Kat by 16:00 |
20. May 25 | Promo | Postcard files deadline
Make a folder with your project's name in: server > projects > _2024-25_3BA_Projektordner > Postcards Add one tiff-picture (min. 1900 x 1370 px) and your sponsor's logos. Big sponsor logos are added by Gerd Gockell. If you are supported by a small community/institution, ask them if they want their name to be mentioned in writing as a logo.Please note that 3mm will be cut off on each side! Optionally you can add a square picture as postage-stamp placeholder for the back. Add the following information as an .rtf or .word file: Film title, length in minutes, names of directors, e-mail addresses, sponsors. (Think about creating your own e-mail for on the postcard i.e. Important: your film title will be definite from now on! Postcard-designs must be greenlit by your mentors in advance, and by Gerd Gockell finally. |
Upload to Server by 16:00 |
26. May 25 | Promo | Poster file deadline
The prototype to work with can be found on the server > studierende > Vorlagen > Poster. Add Logos of your major sponsors. Poster-designs must be greenlit by your mentors in advance! Upload to: server > projects > _2024-25_3BA_Projektordner > Poster Website Stills deadline For your entry on the Animation-Lucerne website, we need 3 stills from your movie that create an important / beautiful / visually interesting / content relevant sequence. Please have a look at the examples from 2022. Resolution: at least 1920 by 1080 pixel. Upload to: server > projects > _2024-25_3BA_Projektordner > 13_Website Stills |
Upload to server by 16:00 and email Elena |
TBA May 25 | BA project | Fantoche & Locarno preview version
Requirements will be communicated in advance by the promotion coordinator |
Wetransfer to Chantal by 12:00 midday |
TBA May 25 | Exam | Presentation Skills
Mandatory 1-day workshop to enhance your presentation skills. You will be divided into 2 groups. |
Groups tba by ASO |
2. June 25 | BA Project | Credits and Engl Subtitles Check
Upload screenshots or, preferably, a .mov (under 100MB!) of your credits for inspection to the server _2024-25_3BA_Projektordner/07_credits Final OK will be by Jürgen Haas and ASO. |
Upload to server by 11:00 |
5. June 25 | Exam | Examination criteria (presentation)
Choose an aspect of your final presentation which is to be judged by in particular (for example graphic design of the presentation, presentation skills, structure of presentation, clarity of technical explanations... ) Any changes in your subject after that must be discussed with Jürgen Haas! |
E-mail ASO by 11:00 |
6. June 25 | Exam |
Deadline FINAL FILM FILES & engl. SubtitlesLate delivery implies the immediate disqualification from the BA-process. No FX possible! Upload the film to projects/_2024-25_3BA_Projektordner/08_FINALFILM no later than 15:00 !!! This version will be shown at your BA presentation and at the Werkschau For complete list of requirements, see "Required Records" under: BA Examination > only finished films will be shown at the Premiere |
Upload to server by 15:00 |
15. June 25 | Premiere | Deadline Final Film for Premiere. We only can show finalised Films at the Premiere.
If there are uncompleted parts in the Film it will be shown at the Premiere 2026. |
Upload to server by midnight |
17. June 25 | Exam | Deadline for completing Ani-Wiki entry for your personal page and the film page
The promotion coordinator can not promote your film without a completed page. Please always use the latest templates to create the pages: |
Complete all entries by 16:00 |
17. June 25 | Exam | Deadline BA Powerpoint-Presentation
upload your BA presentation (as Powerpoint or Keynote file) to the server under: projects -> _2024-25_3BA_Projektordner -> 09_presentation file -> NameOfYourFilm no later than 14:30 > At your presentation in front of the Jury, we will use exactly these files collected on one laptop |
Upload to server by 14:30 |
18.-20. June 25 | Exams |
BA PresentationsEach group presents in front of the Jury (see "Presentations" paragraph on the BA-Examination page). In the afternoon of the third day your grades for the BA project and thesis will be announced in room 140. |
Timetable tba by ASO |
20. June 25 | BA Exhibition | Vernissage HSLU Werkschau
Vernissage of the HSLU Werkschau in the evening with a little apéro and then: school party! |
tbc |
21.-29. June 25 | BA Exhibition | HSLU Werkschau
Students take turns looking after the animation department's exhibition space. |
Timetable arranged by ASI |
25. June 25 | Premiere |
Premiere of all the BA and MA projects with an Apéro afterwards |
Cinema MAXX 18:00-21:00 |
26. June 25 | Ani-Grill | Ani-Grill
Animation department's end-of-semeser barbecue party! Apéro-Verein will send you an invitation and infos on what to bring. |
Animation terrace, 18:00 |
end of June 25 | Cleaning | Give back your chest of drawers (Korpus) and lamps to ASI | Infos follow from ASI |
TBA | Cleaning | Disassembly of BA exhibition | Infos follow from ASI |
1. July 25 | Promo | Deadline for trailers of your film
Details to follow from ASO. Pay attention to correct use of HSLU logos > Only films with trailers will be promoted on Animation HSLU's vimeo page! > The trailer will be uploaded to our vimeo site and can be linked to your vimeo account. (make a vimeo account!) > Do not upload your final film immediately to any online platform without consulting the promotion coordinator first. You can upload you entire film after it has done its first round of important festivals (usually about a year) to your platform of choice. > Please create a link to our website as the producer of your film. |
Upload to server by 16:00 |
TBA July 25 | BA Project | Promotion Day / Springboard to Reality
Chantal Molleur and guests inform you of the further proceedings with your BA film. Topics will be: getting started in the professional world, how to work the festival run of your film & school support. |
13:00-17:00 |