Ines nungaesser
From Animation Luzern Wiki
Ines Nungässer (born 2. September 2002) is a Swiss Director, Animator and Sound Designer based in Lucerne.
He is interested in many facets of 2d and 3d animation, as well as Stop Motion, and especially in combining aspects of these in post-production and adding Sound.
He is currently studying Animation at HSLU.
- Ab September 2023
- Bachelor Animation at HSLU
- 2020-2021
- Propädeutikum Kunst und Design HSLU, Standort Emmenbrücke
- 2020-2023
- Electrical Draftperson bei AFRY Schweiz AG
- 2016-2020
- Berufslehre Automatiker EFZ & Technische Berusmaturität
- Mail:
- Instagram: @marvinbueeler