Marco Jörger
From Animation Luzern Wiki
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Marco Jörger, born in the Swiss Alps, started filming when he was 18 years old with a main focus on action sports such as freeskiing and snowboarding. From there he expanded to other genres like dance, fashion, skateboarding and music videos until he found great interest in stop motion animation, which he is currently studying at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Lucerne. His latest stop motion short film projects include „Fantastic Adventures“ for Cartoon Network and the award winning „Tonatiuh“ which was selected 1st Place at the Swiss Youth Film Days.
- 2010 – 2014
- Apprenticeship as Graphic Designer at Buchdruckerei Schiers AG
- 2012 – now
- Freelance Photographer, Filmer and Graphic Designer
- 2015
- Graphic Designer at Druckerei Landquart VBA
- 2016
- Graphic Designer at Buchdruckerei Davos
- 2018
- I started my Bachelor at Hochschule Luzern – Design & Kunst in Animation
- 2021
- I graduated my Bachelor in Animation
Add here all your films, apps, etc. and link to the corresponding page - see Template for Studentfilm. Add your film in inverse chronological order.
- 2021 Dude, a stop motion short film
- 2020 – Fantastic Adventures with Jake & Finn, a stop motion ident for Cartoon Network
- 2020 – Disenchanted, IDA Module «Mimicking the world», a projection installation about the enhancing technology of the humans and the dying spirit of the forest
- 2020 – Traidesch, is a film that portrays the symbiosis of dance and architecture, set in the beautiful mountain scenery of the Sesvenna Alps in Eastern Switzerland.
- 2017 – Tonatiuh, my first stop motion short film which won the first prize at Schweizer Jugendfilmtage