Jessica Meier

From Animation Luzern Wiki
(Redirected from Meier Jessica)
Jessica profilbild.jpg

2D-Animation, Storytelling, Line-Producing.

With an interest in storytelling and illustration from a young age, Jessica became interested in film and animation as a teen. Through her studies at HSLU she was able to explore 2D animation, character and background design, directing, as well as line-producing. In the future, she wants to stay in animation and work on short films or develop her own films.


2013 - 2017
Zweisprachige Matura an der Kantonsschule Wettingen, Aargau.
2017 -2018
Zwischenjahr (3 Monate Auslandaufenthalt in Toronto, Kanada; Teilzeitarbeit als Kellnerin)
2018 - 2019
Gestalterisches Propädeutikum an der SFGA in Aarau, Aargau.
2019 - 2022
BA Animation an der HSLU, Luzern.

