Sven Puister

From Animation Luzern Wiki
(Redirected from Puister Sven)

Sven was born in 1987 in Lucerne Switzerland. After finishing his master-studies at the Pädagogische Hochschule Luzern to become a teacher for secondary level in 2013, he taught English, German and arts for several years before deciding to channel his interest in comics, film and animation to apply for the Lucerne School of Art and Design in 2017. He finished his bachelor-studies in the summer of 2020 with the graduation movie "Backseat".

When he isn't reading comics or playing tabletop rpgs he can be found in a museum, in the classroom or working as a freelance illustrator.


2008-2013 Studium PHZ Luzern: Master of Arts in Secondary Education

2013-2016 Tätigkeit als Lehrperson für Deutsch, Englisch & Bildnerisches Gestalten

2016-2017 Gestalterischer Vorkurs Luzern

2017- jetzt Bachelor in Animation, Hochschule Luzern Design & Kunst


