The animator's paradox
This page is part of the BA Thesis "The Animator's Paradox" by Lukas Wind (2022)
The Animator’s Paradox
As animators we deal with movement in every aspect of our work. We know far more about movement in animation and how to construct it than about movement of and within our own bodies. I call this phenomenon The Animator’s Paradox:
Animators forget to move themselves while they move other things on a daily basis.
Due to the frequently occurring health dysfunctions amongst animation students like back pain, headache and tendonitis that severely interfere with our work (and can be avoided), I created a pool of easy-access knowledge that equips the starting animation student (that should be you) with practical techniques and some additional theory in order to improve health and prevent injury. I am not trying to convince you of any lifestyle choices and I can’t make you aware of the importance of your health (although I wish I could). The only thing I can do for you is to open that door – stepping through is your decision. And I deeply wish you to take that step for the sake of curiosity and not because of tendonitis or back pain.
Being the author, I obviously recommend you read the full version because it answers in detail why movement is key to our health and gives more context to the articles here (contact me for a digital copy or find one in the archive).
Before you continue: All the exercises should be done with great caution and at one’s own risk. In no way do the articles and exercises replace or disregard a medical check or treatment by a qualified expert and I am not responsible for any inconveniences caused by advise given in this context.
The articles can be read in chronological order by clicking the linked chapters (next and previous) at the top and bottom of every page. You will always arrive on this page by clicking Back to Index.
Table of Content
- Sitting: Exercises to improve sitting posture and a brief summary of health risks connected to prolonged sitting.
- Standing: Exercises to improve standing posture.
- The Options: Exercises for sitting on the floor and ideas for a variety of postures.
- Working Environment: The basic ergonomic desk set-up.
- Natural Light and Screens: Exercises for the eyes and further resources connected to light in the working environment.
- Climate: Exercises for breathing and further resources connected to room climate.
- Chairs: Not a review of ergonomic chairs.
- Desks: Exercises for the feet and the 5 minute desk workout.
- Mice and Keyboards: Also not a review but some notes on wrist position.
- Drawing and Graphic Tablets: Exercises for the hands and what I do to prevent injuries from drawing.
- Gadgets: Quick fixes to jump start the change in the working environment.
- Movement Opportunities: A diagram for finding movement opportunities.