Dario boger

From Animation Luzern Wiki
Revision as of 11:53, 16 August 2024 by Dario.boger@stud.hslu.ch (talk | contribs)
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Dario Boger was born in 2003 in Biel by lake Bielersee. After completing his matura in 2020 he did the propädeutikum in Bern. There he discovered his love for animation.

In 2021 after completing the propädeutikum he started studying animation at the Lucerne School of Art, Film and Design, which he finished in 2024 with his graduation short film: "Two Point Five Stars", together with Sina Marie Lerf and Dario Marti. After graduating, he is now doing his mandatory zivil-service. On the side he continues doing smaller commissions for animations and illustrations, as well as some dabbeling in programming.


2021 - 2024
Animation Bachelor at HSLU
2020 - 2021
Propädeutikum at SFG BB
2016 - 2020
Gymnasium at Neufeld Bern


  • Email: dario.boger@gmail.com
  • Discord: Schmaeil
