Dario Marti

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Revision as of 11:54, 16 August 2024 by Dario.marti@stud.hslu.ch (talk | contribs)
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File:Dario Marti.jpeg

Dario Marti grew up in canton Zürich next to lake Greifensee. Throughout his years in primary and secondary school, his love for drawing made clear, that he wants to pursue an artistic job. After attending the preliminary design course at ZHdK, he decided to start his bachelor studies in animation. He completed studying animation at the Lucerne School of Art, Film and Design in 2024 with the graduation short film "Two Point Five Stars" in a team with Sina Lerf and Dario Boger.


Animation Studies at HSLU DFK
Gestalterisches Propädeutikum [1], Standort Zürich (ZHdK)
Kantonsschule Uster (Kanton Zürich)


  • Mail: dario.marti@surolima.ch
  • Instagram: @darmitri
