Rental for Dummies

From Animation Luzern Wiki
Revision as of 12:32, 18 June 2024 by (talk | contribs) (Work in Progress Dont mind the ugliness)
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Work in Progress Dont mind the ugliness

Most important Point

DI/DO 12:30-13:30

DO NOT ask the Rental people when we are open LOOK IT UP!!!

People from the Ba are responsible for Tuesday

People from the Ma are responsible for Thursday

Please contact us via the official mail, via Discord or go to Jean or Elena

Official Mail:XXX

Official Discord:XXX

How to rent and be a friend:

Go during the opening hours to U138(Next to the black box) and come to one of the to the staff and request the items you like. You have to say how long you wanna rent it. The maximum amount of time is 4 Weeks(Exeptions will be listed somewhere).

What can you rent:

Graphic tablets and pens.

Cameras and Lenses(Special stuff)

Statives, Stopmo equipment

Animationdesks with lighttables

Mices and keyboards Lamps for desktops


What you can't rent(Exeptions are included)

Dockteks(They are for the linetesters and Macs BUY YOUR OWN ONE!!!)

Macs(For linetesters and stopmotions projects)

Not more than 10-15 items(There are exeptions depending on your projects)

Special Events for special occasions

Special Introduction(Work in Progress):We are giving an introduction lesson for the first years so they dont get confused with the rental system.

Special Opening Hours for 3th year: We are giving special opening hours(Will be decided soon)

Special Case Stop Motion: We know that you are special and you need a shitton of stuff so we are working on a better solution so we are all happy and we are not getting frustrated by your big list of shit.

Special Case Teachers: We are working on a Form so you can give it to your students

Guidelines for certain items


For Cameras to work you need to rent:



-SD card

Please do not put the Lense onto the Camera Bag when you return it. We might miss it.

What happens then you don't return an item from the rental(please do not)