Raoul Hayoz

From Animation Luzern Wiki

After he had enough working in IT, Raoul chose to chase his dream of creating CGI and began to study 3D animation at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, where he graduated in 2021. As an avid CG-film and games enthusiast, he specializes in 3D-modelling of all sorts of nerdy stuff, from giant mechs to intricate character-models.

Raoul Hayoz Portrait.jpg


2018 - 2021 Bachelor in Animation, Hochschule Luzern Design & Kunst

2015 - 2018 brentford ag, PC Techniker / Informatiker

2014 - 2015 Technische Berufsmaturität, BBZW Sursee



> https://www.artstation.com/raoul_hayoz
