Janina Müller

From Animation Luzern Wiki

Janina Müller (born 17 February 1999) grew up in canton of Aargau and completed the Fachmaturität Gesundheit at Kantonsschule in Wohlen. Afterwards in 2019 Janina began a preparatory course at the School of Art and Design Zurich. In September 2021 she began her Bachelor's degree at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in the Animation programme, which she finished in 2024.

Janina Müller
Janina Müller


2021 - 2024
Bachelor Animation, Lucerne School of Art, Film & Design
2019 - 2021
Preparatory course at Schule für Kunst und Design Zürich
2015 - 2019
Fachmaturität Gesundheit at Kantonsschule Wohlen AG


Instagram NinAilus
LinkedIn Janina Müller
