Ella Cattaneo

From Animation Luzern Wiki
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Hello there, I'm Ella Cattaneo. I started my studies at Hochschule Luzern with their Foundation Course in Art and Design (2022-2023), and then started the Animation Bachelor in (2023-ongoing).

I was born on the 10th of January, 2003 in Switzerland, and I am of Swiss and Irish nationality. I speak English, Italian, French and some German.

I was part of the team for "Blossom Blade", a short 2D Ident based on Adult Swim's show "Samurai Jack".


Animation Bachelor Student at Hochschule Luzern DFK
Foundation Course (in Art and Design) at Hochschule Luzern DFK



Add here all your films, apps, etc. and link to the corresponding page - see Template for Studentfilm. Add your film in inverse chronological order.