Filmuniversität Babelsberg

From Animation Luzern Wiki


The Filmuniversität Babelsberg, Potsdam, is located in Germany half an hour from Berlin.

The Filmuniversität Babelsberg offers a Bachelor's degree in animation as well as a Master's degree in animation directing.

Additionally, in the last week of January the Filmuniversität Babelsberg hosts a one-week analogue animation workshop called "Animation Unplugged!". The course allows students to work under the guidance of award-winning animation filmmakers such as Gil Alkabetz. Read about the course in our blog!

Specialties: Films d'auteur, strong visual style

Course language: German


- The Official TAW exchange program options

- The 2nd Semester "Short, Short Film Project"

- The Official TAW study programme PDF

Wondering if this might be the exchange-school for you? Read some of our student's exchange reports.

- Ramon Arango


Visit the Filmuniversität Babelsberg's official Website

The animation course and examples of students' graduation work

International exchange information