Filmuniversität Babelsberg

From Animation Luzern Wiki

thumbnail The Filmuniversität Babelsberg, Potsdam, is located in Germany half an hour from Berlin. The school offers a Bachelor's degree in animation as well as a Master's degree in animation directing.

Additionally, in the last week of January the Filmuniversität Babelsberg hosts a one-week analogue animation workshop called "Animation Unplugged!". The course allows students to work under the guidance of award-winning animation filmmakers such as Gil Alkabetz. Read about the course in our blog!

Specialties: Films d'auteur, strong visual style

Course language: German


Wondering if this might be the exchange-school for you? Read some of our students' exchange reports.

(No reports on this school yet)


Visit the Filmuniversität Babelsberg's official Website

The animation course and examples of students' graduation work

International exchange information