Ogre3D Exporter for Cinema 4D OSX

From Animation Luzern Wiki

Ogre3D Exporter for Cinema 4D OSX v 10.5

This is just a migration of the Ogre3d Exporter Plugin for Cinema 4D written Pascal Prat (aka Licorna) to Maxon Cinema 4d 10.5 OSX.


  • Export of normals
  • Export of UV coordinates
  • Export of texture name
  • NEW : Export of skeletal animations
  • Auto-conversion in binary fomat (with OgreXMLConverter.exe )
  • Export of grouped objects as submeshes of a single mesh

Installation instructions :

Just unzip Media:c4d-ogre3d-exporter.zip in the Cinema 4D "plugins" directory, and restart Cinema 4D.

In case you want to modify the source code: Media:C4d-ogre3d-exporter_source.zip