Oleksandra Gorshevikova

From Animation Luzern Wiki

Oleksandra Gorshevikova
Oleksandra Gorshevikova

2D animator, concept artist

When Oleksandra got lost in the depths of Youtube, she made a discovery that would change her life. She stumbled upon animated shorts that immediately excited her. She has always been interested in art, drawing a lot and making up stories, but with this she found something to combine all her interests.  

Since then she has been working on her own small projects like "My little Demons" (in progress) or "The Fortune Teller" (in progress) in which she is working on everything from story development to compositing.

In bigger projects like "Subway Salsa" (2022) or "Henry's Hand" (2023) she concentrates on her strengths and takes the lead of the animation and as a concept artist.


2020 - now
Bachelor of Arts in Animation, Hochschule Luzern D & K
Propädeutikum Hochschule Luzern
Creative maturity, Bern
apprenticeship architecture, Bern


  • oleksandragorshevikova@gmail.com
