Vera Steinbeck

From Animation Luzern Wiki
Revision as of 22:49, 24 January 2022 by (talk | contribs) (Works)
Vera Steinbeck
Vera Steinbeck

Good Day my reading companion.
You landed on my Ani-Wiki page. Friends call me Vera, Veri or simply Verä-Berä.
If they are angry, I am adressed as Steibeck.

I'm currently studying Master Film at this beautiful school known as HSLU.

Vera is: Adventure-Time Fan, Sirup-Drinker, La-Cafeteria-coffee-Cooker, Vegi-Burger-Eater, Hobby-Volleyball-Player, Rain-Smell-Liker, Spotify-Playlists-Listener, Sunflower-Gardener...


Apprenticeship IT Specialist, Zurich
2009 - 2011
Gestalterische Berufsmaturitätsschule, Zurich
2011 - 2014
Bachelor Animation, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU)
2019 - now
Master Film, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU)


It feels weird to me to show my email adress on a website. Please forgive me but I ask you humbly to get in touch with me via the contact form of my website, due to spam prevention.


HSLU Alumni Interview

This video was made by Josina Rösselet, Sidonia Schmidt and Jessica Schumacher for a Videocourse of the Vorkurs.
I don't like Videos about me very much. But for completion, it's added here.