DK.MAAF Film Analysis
From Animation Luzern Wiki
DK.MAAF_Film Analysis Film Analysis | |
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Responsible | Fred Truniger |
Year | 1st and 2nd year |
Level | Master |
Department | Film |
Kind | Elective |
Grade | pass-fail |
Schedule | |
Teaching |
29.09.2021 und 30.09.2021 9.30 -17 Uhr |
Teachers | |
Fred Truniger | |
Content / Inhalt
This course is an introduction into one of the most widely used methods of research in the MA Film: Analyzing movies. The basis of the course is Kristin Thompsons text Neoformalist Film Analysis: One Approach, Many Methods, which will be read in preparation of and during the course. We will look at many extracts of film and discuss, among other things, their narrative structure, their formal properties, and how they are constructed to convey meaning. Literatur: Thompson, Kristin (1995):
- Neoformalistische Filmanalyse: Ein Ansatz, viele Methoden. In: montage/av. 4.1.1995. Berlin. p. 23-62.
- Thompson, Kristin (1988): Neoformalist Film Analysis: One Approach, Many Methods. In: Breaking the Glass Armor. Princeton University Press, Boston.
- Bordwell, David; Thompson, Kristin (1979 [2006]): Film Art. An Introduction. McGraw-Hill, New York.
- Borstnar, Nils et. al. (2002): Einführung in die Film- und Fernsehwissenschaft. Konstanz.
- Hagener, Malte; Pantenburg, Volker (Eds.) (2020): Handbuch Filmanalyse. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
Programme / Modulprogramm
Wird zu Beginn des Kurses mitgeteilt.
Methods / Lehr- und Lernmethoden
- Film viewing
- texts
- discussions
- bring-your-own-examples
- group work
Proof / Leistungsnachweise
- Teilnahme am Unterricht (mindestens 80%)
Evaluation / Leistungsbewertung
- aktive Teilnahme am Unterricht
- Students know the basics of the method of neoformalist film analysis.
- Students are able to look at the formal structure of films, to isolate formal aspects of the filmic text, and to discuss such isolated aspects in the context of other observations.
- Students have a basic vocabulary for film analysis.
- Students know examples of film analyses and are able to do their own analyses.