Lena Metzger

From Animation Luzern Wiki
Lena 2024.jpg

Lena Metzger is a 2D Animator, born in 1999 in Basel. She graduated from the Fachmittelschule in Muttenz (BL), majoring in Art. As part of her Fachmatura diploma, she attended the School of Design Aargau (Gestalterisches Propädeutikum) in Aarau. After that she completed an internship as a frame restorer and gilder at Atelier Achat in Basel.

She successfully completed her bachelors degree in animation with the graduation film 2024 Cottage Cheese.


2021 - 2024
Bachelor Animation - Lucerne School of Art, Film and Design
2018 - 2019
Gestalterisches Propädeutikum - Schule für Gestaltung Aargau
2015 - 2018
Fachmittelschule Muttenz

