Animator's Paradox: Climate

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This page is part of the BA Thesis "The Animator's Paradox" by Lukas Wind (2022)

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Raumklima im Büro

Raumklima im Büro |



When was the last time you took a deep breath?

Room Climate

Besides light, temperature also has an effect on body functions including the circadian rhythms. In addition to air temperature there are several components that make up the room climate and influence not only main body functions but also how we feel: Heat radiation, air humidity, air quality and movement of air. While there are again technical recommendations on every single one that are beyond the scope of this work, we will only touch on a few common key points.

Coldness could harm muscles and tendons especially when they are being over-strained. Therefore, keeping ourselves warm is efficiently preventing damage. At best we do this by movement. It should also be obvious that the air should never be contaminated with toxins or particles. Taking a deep breath from time to time should be a relaxing activity. Besides all kinds of technical gear, plants are highly effective to level up room climate due to their ability to produce oxygen and some species can even filter the air. Not to be forgotten: They also motivate us to take care of them and move.

Since we spend roughly a third of our day in a working environment, it should be a priority to evaluate and optimize the room climate in the office with the same dedication we treat our bedrooms.

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